Thursday, November 30, 2006

War of the World

When I was at junior school, we were fed a diet of state-approved history. Even then we could see how much it was slanted to show the white settlers in a positive light. Similarly, the British colonial adventures were always presented as such - the exotic adventures of free-rolling, high-minded imperialists who were out to civilize the "natives". When I got to high school, history was plain dull and boring, so I dropped it - they seemed to focus exclusively on European history.
As I have got older, I have started revisiting some of this material - one of the writers I have come across is a guy called Niall Ferguson, who is a young history professor who has put together some interesting work on the British Empire - called "Empire" - was a BBC or ITN series, and I am just reading his new book called the War of the World, examining the root causes of conflict in the last century. I recommend him because of his easy style, and incisive commentary - have leant a lot from reading his work.

Shots of The Day

Taken this morning in Parnell.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

National Geographic video: Time Running Out to Save Seafood

(Source: National Geographic) A thought-provoking video clip - preceded by an ad ! - someone has to pay the bills - about over-fishing of the oceans.


Hope you enjoy this poem with video. Click on title link for YouTube connection or this link:

Potential Ice Shelf Collapse

(Source: Stuff) The Ross Ice Shelf, a raft of ice the size of France, could collapse quickly, triggering a dramatic rise in sea levels, scientists warn. A New Zealand-led drilling team in Antarctica has recovered three million years of climate history, but the news is not good for the future. Initial analysis of sea-floor cores near Scott Base suggest the Ross Ice Shelf had collapsed in the past and had probably done so suddenly.

Pub Talk

(Source: The Independent) - make sure you read all the way to the end... :)
"Miles Kington: Slavery, the Ashes and other sorry international affairs...
'Wasn't moving convicts to Australia a kind of slavery? I wish they'd kept Shane Warne's ancestors back here in Britain...'"

Snow leopard fitted with GPS tag

(Source: BBC) The habits of the most elusive of the big cats, the snow leopard, may no longer remain such a mystery. For the first time, a team has fitted a snow leopard with a Global Positioning System (GPS) collar to track the secretive creature's movements. The 35kg (75lb) female was captured on the Purdum Mali ridge in Pakistan.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

High Country Weather

A poem by James Baxter, NZ poet:

Alone we are born
And die alone;
Yet see the red-gold cirrus
Over snow-mountain shine.

Upon the upland road
Ride easy, stranger:
Surrender to the sky
Your heart of anger.

Shot of the Day

Thought for the day

'Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly with your God' (Micah 6:8)

The Plot thickens: Polonium detected at Berezovsky's office

(Source: The Guardian) Detectives have found traces of polonium 210 at the London offices of the exiled Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, it was revealed last night. Officers were searching 7 Down Street, Mayfair, after the discovery of the radioactive substance that killed Mr Berezovsky's friend and former employee, Alexander Litvinenko.

Dawkins takes fight against religion into the classroom

(Source: The Independent) Richard Dawkins, the Oxford geneticist, best-selling author and campaigning atheist, is to take his battle against God into Britain's schools after setting up a foundation to counter the religious indoctrination of young people.

The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Science and Reason will subsidise books, pamphlets and DVDs for teachers to fight the "educational scandal" that has seen the growth in popularity of "pseudo science" and "irrational" ideas.

The foundation will also conduct research into what makes some people more susceptible to religious ideas than others and whether young people are particularly vulnerable. And it will aim to "raise public consciousness" to make it unacceptable to refer to a "Catholic child" or a "Muslim child"; Professor Dawkins believes that "it is immoral to brand young children with the religion of their parents".

Aussies decimate Brits in first Ashes test

For those of you living on Mars :)

(Source: The Independent) Australia completed an emphatic 277-run win in the opening Ashes Test after England's resistance crumbled in the first 21 overs of the final day at the Gabba.

Churchill 'borrowed' famous lines from books by HG Wells

(Source: The Independent) Winston Churchill was a closet science fiction fan who borrowed the lines for one of his most famous speeches from HG Wells, says new research.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Robert Fisk: Dragons of Lebanon's past emerge for Gemayel funeral

(Source: The Independent) Robert Fisk comments on the implications of yet another political assassination in Lebanon.

Zulu king who crushed British Army honoured with historic blue plaque

(Source: The Independent) King Cetshwayo's struggle with the British, at the head of an army equipped only with shields and spears, seems to make him an unlikely recipient of an English Heritage blue plaque - the commemorative marker affixed to buildings linked to great figures of the past.

Read more by clicking on the title link above.

Stunning store window

Taken in Auckland city


On Saturday we celebrated an anniversary with Robyn having been in Auckland for 2 years. Here are some pics from our evening out:

The universal diarist

(Source: The Economist)
Interesting story about Mena Trott, one of the pioneers of the blog

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Video: Rio de Janeiro

(Source: Turnhere) LARANJEIRAS Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
In Laranjeiras you can dine and dance the night away, and take an electric train through the jungle to see Brazil's famous Christ statue.
Another great travel video short from the team at TurnHere.

Liberty Pic

From the launch in Auckland harbour.

Independent Articles on Lebanon (Fisk)

(Source: Independent) You may be aware of a recent assassination in Lebanon. These two articles review the likely impact - a potential resurgence of the civil war.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Video: Statute of Liberty comes to Auckland

Check this out ! Last night we went to the Air New Zealand Holidays launch - complete with arrival of the Statue of Liberty - done by our agency - pretty cool, huh ?

Wellington trip

Snapped this shot in Wellington today

Monday, November 20, 2006

Day in pictures

(Source: BBC), some stunning pics but check this one: A young girl sits among other worshippers during Friday's prayers at Tehran University in Iran.

Java sunken treasure to be sold

(Source: BBC) Scientists in Indonesia are preparing to auction tens of thousands of artefacts salvaged from a sunken ship off the coast of Java.
The items, which are believed to be more than 1,000 years old, include ceramics, tombstones and swords.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Birkenhead Point shops

We went out for some coffee, lunch and window-shopping Sunday at this trendy shopping area on Auckland's North Shore. Some pics that hopefully capture the sense of place.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Some of Lisa's recent work

I managed to snap some of Lisa's recent work - the project was to design the promotional material for a "Rapture Realm" rock concert. My pics were taken in very low light - apologies for the granularity ... :)

Lisa Painting

Lisa working on school project (April 2005)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Shot of The Day


Going Professional with Blogs

(Source: The Economist) I will hold onto my day -job at least for a while :)
Dad got my letter from massey i got in!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Carmel Prize Video

Enjoy :)

A Paris Obsession

Does she have a serious problem ? :) Check out this blog.

Travel in Scotland

(source: Washington Post) Travel in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland - some stunning pics

Robert Fisk on Lebanon

For those interested in Middle Eastern geo-politics....

(Source: Independent) Extract:
"In the Sunni Lebanese cities to the north - in Sidon and in Tripoli - there are families who have sent their sons and cousins to Iraq to fight the Americans. They have videotapes of these young men as they set off to car-bomb - to suicide-bomb - the US occupation forces in Iraq. They have shown these videos to me. They, too, see the "new" Unifil as a Nato force. In the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein el-Helweh, for example, there is now a rumour. That "if you can drive well, you are at the top of the list". In other words, if you can drive well, you are the next in the list for suicide bombing."

Carmel Prizegiving Draws Adoring Parents

Yep - you guessed it - written by a proud Dad. Shot taken of Aimee and Lisa, Lisas's prizes described below. Aimee received an award for excellence in English, Merit in Economics and consistent achievement in Mathematics. Well done !

Shot of The Day

Lisa had her final school prizegiving last night, and walked away with three prizes: Service award, Excellence in Religious Studies, and winner of the Overall Art prize (pictured). She was very thrilled given the huge time investment with taking both Photography and Design.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Lisa and Aimz both to receive awards at school prizegiving tonight

Icebergs off Otago Coast (NZ)

(Source: NZ Herald) Wednesday November 15, 2006
Icebergs just off Otago are endangering shipping, a fishing boat skipper warned last night. An iceberg 50m high and 200m long was last night only 43 nautical miles southeast of the tip of the Otago Peninsula and was heading towards the coast.
Travelling with it are icebergs the size of a house and it is those that ships will need to look out for, Gavin Pope, skipper of the Thomas Harrison, said from his vessel late last night.

Global warming, anyone ?

The world city: one in three Londoners was born overseas

(Source: Independent) A third of Londoners were not born in Britain, according to research which throws fresh light on the capital's status as a multi-cultural magnet. The capital now has its highest proportion of residents who started life overseas, with the foreign-born population standing at more than 2.2 million.

Alien rain : Is Earth being seeded from outer space ?

(Source: BBC) - not a joke :) Check this intriguing story out.

The Walled City: Dubrovnik, Croatia

(Source: Turnhere)

Rich in history and surrounded by walls, Dubrovnik dates back to the middle ages. Check out this short video, click on the title link above.
(Filmmaker: Fred Pickles)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Retired Husbands Syndrome

(Source: BBC) Blokes have a hard time - they can't even retire without feeling guilty ! This story from Japan has echoes of that age-old question: do we work to live or vice versa ?

Technology Change over the last 20 years

(Source EDS): This table is fascinating, charting as it does the changes in (consumer) technology over the last 20 years. Taken from a UK study of food retailing. Shows what our teenagers have grown up with.

Conflict: Marseilles different to Paris

(Source: Scoop) - a fascinating article on the differences between Marseilles and Paris, and why there is a much lower level of violence in the former. I didn't realise that Marseilles was founded in 600BC, which is pretty amazing.

New Zealand's Place in the World

(Source: Scoop) The NZ Prime Minister, Helen Clark, recently addressed the London School of Economics (LSE). Putting some of the political 'spin' aside, this copy of her speech provides a useful overview of NZ's place in the world, and our relationship with the UK.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Leopard Spots

We lie embracing friendly shadows
Wild cheetahs accelerating frame-to-frame
Smoothly grooming hair and hiding faces
Zebra groping for grass roots with antelope
Slaking our thirst on mellow milk
Spear carriers in fire-walled caves
Slowly, gently exposing flesh and fold
Transforming candlelight to sunburnt sky
Purring as each morsel is mouthed
Charging into dense elephant bush horizons
Where the lion stalks so un-silently
And leopards come to have unyielding spots

Stephen Saunders, 1998

Auckland skyline

View from our apartment

Consumer Trends: "TRANSUMERS"

(Source: One of my favourite websites - this article is about how consumers are starting to lead "transient" lifestyles - this is some of the stuff I read at work everyday :)

Oil-rich Dubai redraws the atlas

(Source: CNN) Some amazing statistics on the well-known story of Dubai's breakneck growth. Impressive land-reclamation projects.